Another week come and gone. How does it happen so fast?! I lazed around pretty much all day today, which is abnormal for me. I’m so weird, I get this guilt trip whenever I “waste” a day being lazy on the couch. I’m not sure why it is, it’s not like I bailed out on plans or didn’t complete something I was supposed to today. I consider myself a pretty efficient and productive person, and like to maximize my time. It’s impossible for me to just sit and watch TV, I have to be multitasking with something else. Anyways, after doing nothing productive all day I feel a little anxious and annoyed with myself for not getting anything done, but also annoyed with myself for being annoyed at myself. Sigh. Anyone else get like that or just me?

Otherwise I had a fun week! I successfully meal prepped and worked out five times this week – yay resolutions. I checked out the new Oscar Diggs Friday night, watched the game at The Bear & The Butcher Saturday night and finished the weekend with a church potluck tonight.
Highs & Lows
High: I had an awesome photo shoot at work for Drake’s new cocktail list. I love it when a plan works out and actually looks as cool as you thought it would in your head.
Low: I’m not doing great at my stop glorifying busy resolution.. ended up with plans every night this week. I’m working on it, I swear…

Links I Love
I found this NYT piece of the author’s experience with Whole 30 with diabetes so interesting.. it’s amazing how changing your diet can change your body.
Not #whole30 approved, but these Antipasto Squares look awesome.
Also not #whole30 approved, but still healthy, I posted this Greek Yogurt Cucumber Dip earlier this week.
Speaking of resolutions, what are whole grains anyways?
For a little foodie wanderlust; 30 sandwiches from around the world.
BREAKING news: When Game of Thrones season eight will air.
Every woman should read this. Negotiating tips from Ellen Pompeo, the highest paid actress on a primetime drama. Makes me love Meredith Grey so much more!
I am dying over this Gray Malin / Sugarfina collab. The perfect VDay gift (and it ships free)!
Quote of the Week
Trying to get myself motivated. Let’s get after it this week! I’m headed to Louisville tomorrow for work and have a fun Super Bowl post for y’all later this week.. stay tuned!
Biscuits & blessings,