Howdy friends! I am currently in the midst of a very serious This is Us binge, and it’s about to get ugly. I had been avoiding the fire episode for a while and decided to take the plunge today; wish me luck! Otherwise I had a pretty chill weekend – workout class, a little shopping at a fun event hosted by my friend Bronwyn and then dinner at Honeywood on Saturday. This morning I volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House and served breakfast, then got my bagel fix at Great Bagel and have been working on blog stuff all day.

Highs & Lows
High: My friends and I do a monthly girls night the last Tuesday of every month. It’s so good to get together and laugh!
Low: Does crying an inappropriate amount of times at television shows count?
Links I Love
Apparently Chocolate Biscuit Cake is the Queen’s favorite dessert. I’m game.

Keds and Rifle Paper Co teamed up and made my dream shoes. I posted them on Insta stories yesterday! These babies are pretty dang cute too.
Why bitter foods are great for digestion, inflammation and your skin.
For my fellow grammers – the best 10 photo editing apps for your phone.
Goodbye Ice Cream Museum and hello Avocado Museum. BRB booking flights.
If you’re looking for some wanderlust, these small American towns feel like Europe.
What five wellness pros buy from Trader Joes.
Apparently this robot vacuum is the same thing as a Roomba but half the price! I’m very tempted..
21 apps you can download to get free food.
I shared everywhere you should celebrate the Kentucky Derby in Lexington on the blog this week.
Quote of the Week
Came across this by Maya Angelou this week and really needed it. This sounds so silly, but I’ve been listening to a lot of NPR’s How I Built This, a podcast that interviews entrepreneurs, which I love and learn a lot from, but I also find myself getting caught up in the comparison game and got kind of down about it. I question myself and if I have what it takes to really accomplish anything on my own. I think I get a little ahead of myself, and expect to have it all figured out right away. I have a hard time remembering I’m only 26 and have some time! Anyone else like this? Also totally unrelated, but I think I want to try my hand at urban gardening and see if I can grow herbs and a few things in pots on my back porch. Anyone have tips? Hope y’all have a great week!
Biscuits & blessings,
Those shoes are to die for! <3
Right there with you on feeling discouraged sometimes or like I haven’t accomplished “enough.” Also the avocado museum sounds SO cool.
I feel discouraged like that often – and I’m in my 30s! Things take time, and it’s okay. I bought a pair of the Rifle Paper Keds a few weeks ago and love them!
OBSESSED with those Keds!!! Love it!
Great bits of info. That Maya Angelou quote is my favorite!
I love that you share your highs and lows! I’m so jealous of your great bagel trip. When I lived in lex we would go all the time and I miss it.
Girl it is PERFECTLY normal to cry at a television show…. especially when we’re talking about ‘This is Us’!! I was full blow ugly cry, snotty nose and all for pretty much every episode!
HA, glad I’m not the only one!
That bagel looks crazy good!!
They’re my fav!
Gah! So much good stuff, per usual! I agree with McKenna on sharing highs and lows. I think it is great to take a step back and acknowledge both the positive and negative we’re experiencing! All about balance, yo!