How is it Sunday already?! I had a packed week, like something every night of the week packed. Last weekend was my best friend’s bachelorette party (apologies if you witnessed any of the shenanigans on insta-stories) and this Tuesday was my parent’s 30th wedding anniversary, so it was a lot of celebrating. I surprised them by getting their friends together to do the Big Blue Peddler, a bike peddle wagon that takes you around downtown. They were actually completely surprised and we had a great time!

Friday night I went to the Bluegrass BBQ Festival downtown and ate wayyy too much BBQ. We shared BBQ nachos, a pulled pork mac ‘n cheese grilled cheese, pork burger and bacon mac ‘n cheese. Oh, and of course got ice cream for dessert 😉 Saturday was spent at the Farmer’s Market, pool and grilling out dinner. I made my first caprese salad of the summer with tomatoes from the Farmer’s Market. I was skeptical if the tomatoes would be any good since it’s still early in the summer, but they were delicious! If you’re a caprese fan, check out this recipe I posted this week.

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted Sunday Reading because I’ve been in a bit of a creative rut. I’m not quite sure where it came from, a combination of being stressed at work, crazy busy socially and trying to figure out what direction I want to take this blog. Sometimes when I’m stressed I get in these moods where I just can’t deal with anything and completely shut down. The idea of even replying to an email seems overwhelming, so I tend to ignore anything that’s not absolutely necessary. Is anyone else like that? What do you do to get over a rut?

I’ve found the best way to get through it is to do just that – work your way through. I start by cleaning out my inbox, or even cleaning my house. I feel like I can focus better with organized surroundings. Then I’ll start working on a project in small chunks. Maybe editing photos with Netflix on in the background to distract me. Or writing a blog post in 20 minutes bursts with breaks in between on Pinterest or Instagram. Then eventually I’m back in my groove and ready to get to work again. It’s not an easy process, so I would love your tips!

Highs & Lows
High: The look on my parent’s face when I surprised them – so good!
Low: I have been on a very unhealthy eating kick and it’s getting to me; I feel so gross. I’ve vowed to do some meal-prepping today so that it’s easier to make healthy choices this week!

Links I Love
*Warning, it’s vulgar* but if you only had 12 f’s to give each day, how would you spend them? The Middle Finger Project really made me think about my productivity with this idea; if you placed 12 small items on your desk at the beginning of the day and each time you said yes to something you had to take one away, would it change the way you work?
I’m dying to make Ed Lee’s compound butter to put on steaks and veggies this summer.
Where four local Chefs would eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner in Louisville. I’m spending a weekend Louisville in a few weeks; taking notes!
Best International Weekend Getaways from the US. I’m currently in a trip-planning mood.. Guatemala, Puerto Rico or Belize sound intriguing.
Speaking of a getaway.. apparently this app will help you get compensation for a delayed or cancelled flight.
The most Instagrammed restaurant in every state. Can you guess what Kentucky’s is?
In honor of #nationalroséday yesterday, the best rosés under $15.
And because I said I was trying this week, 15 healthy breakfast recipes.
Quote of the Week
It’s summer y’all!
Hope y’all are enjoying this sunny Sunday!
Biscuits & blessings,