Happy Labor Day weekend! I hope you’re enjoying some time off. I’ve been a bit lazy this weekend, just enjoying having a free weekend. The weather hasn’t been amazing in Lexington, so I took advantage of that and laid on the couch and caught up on some things around the house. My roommate and I managed to make a brunch, lunch and coffee date – so no worries about anyone going hungry around here 😉

Highs & Lows
High: Three day weekend, fashow. That extra day goes a long way!
Low: I’m so heartbroken over the devastation Hurricane Harvey has caused, but if anything brings me comfort, it is seeing how our country has come together to support each other through it.

Links I Love
In lieu of links this week, I’m sharing a few ways you can support Hurricane Harvey victims locally.
Shop Local Kentucky is donating 100% of net proceeds from this shirt to the Red Cross.
Drake’s is donating $2 from every Texas Roll sold in September to the United Way.
Jax and Palmer’s are hosting a fundraiser for the Red Cross tomorrow.
Lucky’s Market is donating 10% of their private label product profits to the Red Cross until September 11.
Learn more about how to donate blood with the Kentucky Blood Center here.
My mom is a Stella & Dot stylist and is donating half of her commission during the month of September to the Red Cross.
You can always make donations to the United Way of Greater Houston here, the Red Cross here or the Greater Houston Community Foundation here.
If you know of any more ways to help locally please comment below!
Quote of the Week
I love you so matcha! I shared a recipe for a Matcha Power Latte on the blog this week!
That’s all I got, this week! I’m headed to family dinner tonight and hope to make it by the pool tomorrow. Hope y’all have a great day off!
Biscuits & blessings,