Another week done, my friends. Mine was packed. Work has been crazy busy since I got home from vacation and there’s really not an end in sight, but that’s okay. I kind of thrive off of busy, so it works for me. I made it to Nashville and Louisville this week; just quick trips. Drake’s is a sponsor of Thunder Over Louisville, so we went to set up the Drake’s by the River Bar. Check it out if you’re in Louisville! My office took a corporate outing to Keeneland on Friday, which is always fun!

My weekend was pretty packed as well. My best friend was visiting from Denver and my sister was in town from Chicago, so we got dinner at County Club on Friday night. Saturday, my family threw a bridal brunch for my cousin and then went to Keeneland again. I’ve had no luck this Keeneland season and legitimately only cashed one ticket all weekend. Oh well. Saturday night my friend who was in town threw a party and we went out afterwards.
I’ve been a pretty garbage human being today.. slept in until 11am, ate McDonalds on the couch, watched movies all day and didn’t step foot outside of the house until 5pm. I know sometimes you just need a day to do nothing, but I hate feeling like I’ve wasted a day. I feel guilty thinking about all the things I could have done; anybody else get like that?

Highs & Lows
High: Seeing friends and family in town for the weekend 🙂
Low: Had to deal with a lot of “logistics” issues with work this week that were often out of my control and left me feeling pretty defeated. (ie UPS losing packages etc.) I think the hardest part of my job is all the behind-the-scenes work that goes on to make an event or promotion happen that no one would guess is marketing.
Links I Love
A meal plan for a weeks worth of meals from Trader Joe’s on a $50 budget. I’m a big TJ’s fan!
Tips for building the perfect salad. I should really try and use some of these 😉
Tips for making your Netflix stream at max speed. You’re welcome. Who knew Firefox was no good for streaming?!?
The 10 Best Cheese from Trader Joe’s. Sorry for all the TJ’s content, but y’all know I don’t play when it comes to cheese. I have to try the Goat Milk Brie and Jalapeno and Honey Chevre.
Where to eat at five of the nation’s best national parks. Anyone planning a summer vacay?
Hippie food is in. This New York Times article suggests health foods are going mainstream the way of yoga. I’m all for it – love me some kombucha and almond milk!
Unicorn Frap Meltdowns across the country. Did anyone try it?! I tried to get one, but they were sold out.
And I’ll leave you with: Barack Obama, the perfect Instagram husband… #goals.
Quote of the Week
“Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep, really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.” Ernest Hemingway
There you have it! Make it a good one, friends!
Biscuits & blessings,