Happy Sunday and happy Mother’s Day! To all the mommas out there, especially mine (extraespecially bc I’m pretty sure she’s the only person who consistently reads my blog) I hope you had an awesome, relaxing day including brunch and/or lots of dessert! You deserve it. I’m extra grateful to be able to say I have so many strong women and moms as role models.

I’m ending this weekend feeling incredibly fulfilled. I was a part of a panel at Sit With Us; a day full of female entrepreneurs and women empowerment in Lexington hosted by Hartley Social. It was inspiring simply to be in a room full of women supporting each other, each chasing their own dream. The day consisted of three panels featuring other local bloggers and business owners. I spoke on a panel about branding yourself/your business. It’s still funny to me that I was even given this opportunity since I call myself a “baby blogger” and don’t feel like I’m nearly successful enough to be giving other people advice. I’m trying to take note from other panelists and “own my power” and take pride in the fact that I’ve grown a small little following – thank you whoever you are!!

One of the questions I was asked was “How do your core values play into your brand?” It was the hardest out of the bunch and one I kind of avoided while prepping, because to be honest, I didn’t establish a “mission statement” or “core values” when dreaming up Lex Eats. I pretty much just started an Instagram account for fun and made it up as I went. I’ve always said that my favorite thing about food and working in the hospitality industry is how a meal can bring people together. We’ve all got to eat and I think even the most opposite of people can bond over a delicious meal. I often struggle with my role as an “influencer” being superficial as I pretty much just post pictures of food with witty captions and wonder what kind of impact I’m having on this world. I’ve always felt called to do something big with my life and show others that they are loved, but I also struggle with expressing that. As I got into blogging, I realized what an influential platform it gave me and that I could use that platform for good. My goal is to make someone’s day better; even if that is just because seeing a picture of a cupcake makes them happy.
As I was expressing this sentiment at Sit With Us, I realized I haven’t been embracing it recently. I’ve been in a little bit of a rut since returning home from Thailand. My trip left me so inspired, but I quickly got overwhelmed with work and the post-vacation blues leaving me in a glass half empty kind of mood the past few weeks. I feel like I’ve had a negative attitude and let myself get caught up in being “busy.” Whenever someone asked how I was I would respond with “busy” and then rant about all of the things filling my time, but not fulfilling me. And the thing is, I like being busy. I truly enjoy my work and blogging and I don’t want to be one of those people always complaining about all the things they have to do. This weekend was exactly what I needed to kick myself back into drive and start practicing what I preach!

Otherwise, I had a tasty week. I went to the Shake Shack opening party on Wednesday and y’all, I could not be more excited about having a Shake Shack in my hometown. When I left New York, I truly never thought I would live in a city with the Shack again; which shouldn’t be that big of a deal to a person, but trust me, it is. I may or may not be going back for dinner tomorrow.. #noshame.
I also managed to fit in a Netflix night with Suggins cheese fries on Friday, a tasty dinner at Dudley’s last night and a huge brunch today. As I’m typing this I’ve decided I’m going on a run as soon as I’m done 😉
Links I Love
Natalie Bacon’s take on the 80/20 rule. The rule says that a majority of what you do doesn’t give you a majority of your results.. an interesting way to look at productivity.
The best brunches in Louisville.. sounds like I need to take a road trip!
“My So Called Instagram Life”. I appreciated this New York Times author’s honest confession of letting the persona she had created for herself on Instagram take over her life.
There is now pickle juice soda. I’ve never been a fan, but have a few friends who swear by pickle juice for a hangover…
15 cities to visit before you’re 30. I’ve only been to three, but several are hopefully on the horizon!
The latest foodstagrammer trend: cloud eggs. Should I try it?
Apparently, these blueberry cheesecake bars are healthy. I’m game.
Salt bae is back.
Quote of the Week
“Know your worth then add tax.” Stolen from Sit With Us!
Hoping you enjoy the last few hours of your Sunday and have an awesome week, my friends!
Biscuits & blessings,
You did such a great job speaking on the panel! Keep up all your hard work ❤️
Thanks Bronwyn! So glad our blogging paths have crossed 🙂